one lovely blog award

I was nominated for the One Lovely Blog award! Thank you to Ann Elise @ A Bookish Bi for nominating me!


  • Acknowledge, link back and thank the blog that nominated you
  • Display the award + rules in your blog
  • Tell your subscribers seven things about you.
  • Re-nominate 10-15 people.

Thinking of 7 things about myself is hard!

  1. I saw Love, Simon the other day with my boyfriend and we both absolutely loved it! I think that I actually enjoyed it more than the book, funnily enough.
  2. I am so ready for it to be summer already in the UK, I’ve had enough of this cold weather! My little Bermudian soul is desperate for some sunlight.
  3. I’m participating in a whole bunch of readathons this month – the Asian Lit Bingo, the Buzzword readathon and the Ramadan Readathon as well! It’s going to be a busy month!
  4. I went to my first gig the other day! My boyfriend and I went to see Akala, who is kind-of half grime and half spoken word poetry. We had a blast! (And I would seriously recommend checking him out.)
  5. In June I’ve got an internship at Faber and Faber, a publishing house in the UK! I am ridiculously excited because I’m going to be going around the various departments over 6 weeks. I’m really looking forward to this experience because I know I’m going to learn a lot.
  6. I’m currently listening to the new Janelle Monae album Dirty Computer and absolutely LIVING for it. This woman is amazing.
  7. Finally, I’m looking for suggestions for what to write in my Mental Health Monday posts! Is there anything that I haven’t touched upon that you would like to know about? Let me know!

I nominate 5 blogs:

Mel to the Any

Laura @ Bbliophile

Aurora Librialis

Neha @ BiblioNyan

Hannah @ I have thoughts on books

10 thoughts on “one lovely blog award

  1. BiblioNyan says:

    Congrats on the award! Completely and wonderfully deserved! 😀 Thank you so much for the tag, my friend. ♥


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