Graham’s Delicacies blog tour

I am very pleased to be a part of the Graham’s Delicacies blog tour! This is a book written by Em Ali (also the author of Soft on Soft), which has three stories in it, all of which follow employees of a bakery – Graham’s Delicacies!

Six people and three love stories all in one bakery.

Jen goes to work, agonizes over college, and looks forward to the stolen moments in the kitchen, where she can watch Emilie bake love into every donut, cake, and brownie. Their delicate friendship takes a step towards a budding romance. But will Jen’s impulsiveness help their romance surviving its first hurdle?

James has never been kissed but he wants to, especially by Sam, who he can’t talk to without turning into a little jerk, and who is made of all the good stuff. Will James’ insecurity in his inexperience ever allow him to make the move to kiss the boy?

Alex won’t let some foodie with a video camera bash their beloved bakery, even if it means they have to be petty. Except they’re nowhere ready for Yujin, the one who got away, and the one attempting to woo them. Will Alex’s second impression of Yujin let them see the sincerity in the bashful king.

Trigger warnings:

Saccharine: Explicit consensual sex—chapter 7

Delectable: Explicit consensual sex scene, mention of a parent’s death—chapter 6

Ravenous: Misgendering of Alex, which is challenged on page—chapter 3, discussion of parents’ death—chapter 6, explicit consensual sex scene, including D/s dynamics—chapter 7

I was very excited to hear that Em Ali had another book out, because I loved Soft on Soft. I am 1000000% here for soft queers falling in love, and that’s exactly what I got. I enjoyed the first story Saccharine the best, because I really enjoyed the relationship between Jen and Emilie. The story started with them already in their a relationship, which then went into a flashback about them falling in love. It was so cute and I was squealing throughout. Saying that, I really enjoyed Delectable and Ravenous a lot – especially Ravenous because it had the most unique set-up (one-night-stand between a baker and a food blogger!)

Graham’s Delicacies is also smoking hot. The sex scenes were A+, and I was really here for the D/s elements in Ravenous. Em Ali has a really great way of writing intimacy that is both sexy and respectful at the same time.

Much like Soft on Soft, Graham’s Delicacies is also full of positive representation, many of which are own voices:
Saccharine: Black, bisexual main character with anxiety, nonbinary, chubby love interest with anxiety.
Delectable: Gay Mexican-American main character, gay Black love interest
Ravenous: Arab-American, queer, and nonbinary main character, gay Korean-American love interest.

Generally I would have liked a little bit more finesse with the writing/editing, but as this is a self-published novel, I didn’t see this as too much of a problem. If you’re looking for sweet, sexy and irresistibly queer romances, you need to read Graham’s Delicacies. (And there’s a cameo of June and Selena from Soft on Soft in there, too!)

About the author:

Em Ali grew up on TV and K-pop like many her generation. She learned a lot about how to be a hermit and not interact with people but she’d love to hear from readers through email! maliwrites2 at gmail dot com or social media.


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