mental health book bingo 2019: wrap-up

The 2019 mental health book bingo is over. Cue sad faces! I had a fantastic time yet again, and would like to sincerely thank all of my co-hosts:

Jess @ jessicacwrites

Lili @UtopiaMind

Inge @ingeswonderland

Ayah Assem 



They were all absolutely brilliant, and I could not have done this without them. I’d also like to thank CW of The Quiet Pond who designed the bingo board and the Instagram prompt board. We all really appreciated her help!

Now, onto the books that I read.


So, as you can see, I didn’t get a bingo. But I got to 6 books that I’d been planning on reading, so that’s a win in my books! I also found that I really wasn’t in the headspace to read about eating disorders, so although I had the time to fit in another book, I didn’t think that would have been good for my own mental health.

So! The books I read were:

  1. Poetry with MI themes: She Must Be Mad (review here)
  2. YA with MI rep: Are We All Lemmings and Snowflakes? (no review planned right now)
  3. POC MC/group read: Darius the Great is Not Okay (review scheduled)
  4. OCD rep: History Is All You Left Me (review scheduled)
  5. Personality disorder rep: Girl In Need of a Tourniquet (review here)
  6. Anxiety rep: First, We Make the Beast Beautiful (not finished yet!)

Throughout the chats I also was given a lot of recommendations, which is great!

I also announced in our wrap-up chat that I would like to do another group read in May, to celebrate mental health awareness month! If you’d be interested in participating or hosting, let me know! It would be super low key 🙂

Thank you to everyone who participated – I will hopefully see you in May!

10 thoughts on “mental health book bingo 2019: wrap-up

  1. christine @ lady gets lit says:

    I’m 1000% down for the group read in May! Keep me posted!

    Also, I get you on not being able to read certain mental health topics that hit too close to home. I think I’ve been avoiding reading about mental health at all lately because I’m afraid it’ll spark an episode or something. I know I’d probably be fine, but I’m just not feeling it.


    1. whatthelog says:

      Yay! Will do 🙂
      That’s totally fair! Self care is way more important than reading mental health books. It’s weird, I actually get way more upset by mental health stuff in audiobooks rather than paper books. I guess it’s because it feels like someone is actually talking about their real experiences?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. christine @ lady gets lit says:

        I haven’t done a whole lot of audiobooks, but I guess that makes sense. There’s something about hearing about mental health that’s harder to take than physically reading it I guess. I used to listen to a podcast called The Hilarious World of Depression, where they interview comedians/other celebrities about their experiences with mental health. It was great for a while but then it just got really sad, because hearing about their experiences was pretty dark.


  2. pucksandpaperbacks says:

    Yess! I would love to do this again in May. It’s by far one of my favorite readathons so thank you all for making this happen! I also read History is All You Left Me and I just bought Are We All Lemmings or Snowflakes to read this month.


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