the miranda sings award

I was tagged by Vicky @ Booksandstrips, thank you very much!


(1) Announce your win with a post, and link the blogger who nominated you.
(2) Include the featured image on your blog post.
(3) Nominate 10 bloggers (or as many as you can think of) and link your awardees in the post.
(4) List seven (7) things you love about yourself. (This can be about your appearance, your personality, your achievements, etc.)
(5) Don’t use negative connotation (i.e. Don’t say things like – “I’m prettier than an average person.” or “People have told me I’m smart.” You are pretty. You are smart.)


  1. I like how much I love to learn. I always want to challenge what I think I know. People’s individual experiences fascinate me, and I am always looking for new experiences. I am so proud of how much I have learned in the last three years, and I can’t wait to see how I change in the next three!
  2. I love my positivity. Despite my struggles with mental health, and particularly my depression, I do honestly believe that things will turn out for the best.
  3. I love how much enjoyment I get out of the little things in life. A hot drink and a small dog makes me the happiest person in the world.
  4. My creativity! Even through little things like doing my makeup differently. (I love doing my makeup – it is like putting art on my face!) I also knit and I’m big into the adult colouring stuff. Blogging has inspired me to maybe try creative writing again, too.
  5. I love my fashion style. I’m quite little (5’2, just about) but very curvy, so I often find it difficult to find clothes that flatter me. However I really rock the whole vintage look, complete with red lipstick, which makes me feel very confident indeed!
  6. How emotional I am. I laugh easily, I cry easily, and I feel. I used to really not like this about myself, but now I honestly couldn’t imagine my personality without this. What’s the point of hiding your feelings, anyway?
  7. I love my tattoos. I’ve got a semi-colon on my wrist, and a big flower tattoo on my hip (morning glories, daffodils and sweet peas). I can’t wait to get more tattoos – I love how they make my body into a canvas.

I nominate:

Sinead @ Huntress of Diverse Books

Ceillie @ Candid Ceillie

Melanie @ Grab the Lapels

Aelinor @ Meet the Book World

Shenners @ Reading As I Am

If anyone else would like to do this tag, consider yourself nominated!

19 thoughts on “the miranda sings award

  1. Huntress of Diverse Books says:

    This is a beautiful tag. It was lovely to read about the things you love about yourself!

    I didn’t realised that Shenwei’s blog name was Reading As I Am…it all makes sense now!

    Thanks for nominating me 🙂 . Where’s the featured image?


  2. Marie says:

    I really love seeing this tag around, it’s beautiful to read positive things about people 🙂 I love how you are positive ahah, really, I wish I could be like that just as well, I tend to be a pessimist about things, but I’m trying to make it better 🙂


      1. MyBookJacket says:

        Oh I’m allergic to something in the ink. Evidently mercury. Which I didn’t even know was possible.


  3. Alienor says:

    Oh My God I was reading this thinking, wow, this is so fun but what could I even say and then I saw you tagged me XD Thank you! I’ll have to think about that over the weekend 😀 Great answers by the way!


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